aalian international



Orange is the one of the demanding fruits and Pakistan is the 6th biggest producer of Orange in the world.

Orange alone took approximately 33% of the entire export to Middle East and also exported to Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Europe.


In general Pakistan is at 10th number for citrus fruits production but about 90% is consumed within the country and only 10% is being exported. We are standing at 20th number for citrus export. Other major citrus fruits producing countries are Brazil, China, USA, Mexico and India

 Chaunsa Mango

It’s standing at number 2nd in our export list and it is mainly produced in Punjab. Pakistani Mangoes are well popular in the world due to its yummy, unique and great taste. Pakistan is at number five for mango growing countries.

 Chaunsa Mango is highly demand type of mangoes. We are mainly exporting mangoes to European countries, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, France, Malaysia and Singapore. The other top mango producers are India, China, Thailand and Mexico. 


From the beginning of January to the end of October 2021, the volume of fresh watermelon exports from Pakistan in physical terms amounted to 43.6 thousand tonnes, which is 11% less than in the same period in 2020. Since the exports season for Pakistani watermelon has already ended, this volume will be close to the final for 2021.

However, despite a slight decrease in the export of watermelon in 2021, it was abnormally high for the second year in a row, namely 14 times higher than the average annual export in 2017-2019.